Jumbo Loans
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Jumbo loans allow a home buyer to borrow more than they can through a conforming or government loan. Jumbo loans, like conforming loans, are conventional, non-government loans. Unlike a conforming loan, however, they exceed loan guarantee amounts established by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. This requires the issuer to secure the loan themselves.
Because of this, jumbo loans may come with different financial requirements and financing options than are available with conforming loans.
Ideally Suited for
Those needing a loan amount that exceeds county limits
Borrowers with excellent credit and strong assets
Loan Features
Higher loan limits than allowed by conventional conforming and government loans
Rates can be as competitive as conventional conforming and government loan rates
All loans are subject to underwriter final approval, terms and conditions may apply. Subject to change without notice. Always consult an Accountant or Tax Advisor for full eligibility requirements on tax deductions.